Monday, August 29, 2011

My Fiance

When I speak of my fiance, I want you to feel God in my words. Sensing that the Lord's presence truly lives in him, lives in me and in our relationship.

When I speak of my fiance, I want to share the wisdom of the Lord; what God has taught me about love and how to love unconditionally.

When I speak of my fiance, I want to excite you about your future; that you too can experience a spiritual connection with another human being. I hope a smile comes to your heart from the honesty, compassion, and kindness that you hear me speak of.

When I speak of my fiance, I want you to appreciate our struggles because you know that we are strong enough and God-fearing to be solution oriented in our conflict. The respect and patience that I speak of would be a standard to emulate.

When I speak of my fiance, I want the gentleness to be palpable, the knowledge of the Word to be apparent, the yearning to be Christ-like to be very clear.

When I speak of my fiance, I want you to anticipate meeting him. I want you to walk away from our conversation happy to know that someone like that exists.

When I speak of my fiance, I not only pray that you meet and marry a person like him, but that you and I can strive to possess the same qualities as him.

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